Friday, 30 August 2013

You and Me

We are one
But not single !
Like a book
Folded and kept in the shelf.
When someone opens it
There comes two sides.
You and Me,
Or Me and You...
With nothing in between
But everything in between...
When I come to your side
You become thick and rich
And I vanish...
The same thing happens
When you come to me...
But at the end,
Alas ! We have an epitaph
Instead of an epilogue !!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Seven Dogs in the Night

In one of my nights
They came, seven dogs, at my window
And started barking on a high rock.
A single dog at the door is a pride.
But seven are not seven prides.
They started theirs and I mine.
They spoke very proudly on each others
Like men when they are seven.
I stopped mine as they went on.
I drew my curtain apart
And peeped through my window
There they are !
Alive, alike, and allied
With heads high and body pulled back
To speak to the peak, may be to the God!
I knocked on my windowsill to frighten them
Alas! they didn't mind and bother
Yes ! they are correct.
Why should they get frightened
When they are seven ?!!